The art of DJing is sharing music with one another... The technology's definitely taking it into a new direction to where it's really becoming performance-based.
Sheep are always looking for a new shepherd when the terrain gets rocky.
One hesitates to open a new chapter when the old one is not resolved.
I think we should wean Grandma.
What if my boobs decide to grow WHILE I'm at school?
There's something comforting about the companionship of animals in a new place.
May you find new opportunities in every encounter.
We gain new perspectives on life after every voyage.
What we often take to be the new is simply the old under some novel form.
Learn the netiquette before you participate in new online activities.
Your status has changed. Your Name is changed! You are a new creation.
Getting to know somebody new—it’s part of the fun of avoiding people.
For myself, the only immortality I desire is to invent a new sauce.
Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.
Why nowadays there's a new fashion every day.
We can learn something new anytime we believe we can.
When you're going back to school, you want something fresh and new, and perfume is the best way to do that.
I would say to an actor new to the business that it's best to go where you are most comfortable as a person, both in and outside of the business.
Some of the best news stories start in gossip. Monica Lewinsky certainly was gossip in the beginning. I had heard it months before I printed it.
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
I think new writers everywhere need opportunities to get published.