They always prided themselves on looking youthful. “Forty’s the new thirty,” they’d joke. Until heartbreak and grief enter your life, and then forty’s the new one hundred.
The good news is that being in gratitude does not require time and money. All it requires is an attitude of being grateful.
Always revisit my decisions in the light of new knowledge and information. Don't be afraid to change.
My family life is incredibly important to me. I want to be with them as much as I can. I try to work in New York, or I work in the summer time when my family can come with me.
The older I get, I'm definitely getting pulled towards the West Coast, because it's a different quality of life. New York is great when you're in your early 20s and you're running around and it's really fun, but it's a place for me to get things done...
I believe that singing is the key to long life, a good figure, a stable temperament, increased intelligence, new friends, super self-confidence, heightened sexual attractiveness, and a better sense of humor.
The first time I landed in New York and got a cab to my hotel, I was completely struck by it: a feeling of life and chaos, 24 hours around the clock, just like in London. And whatever your problem is, it's insignificant. You're just a small part of s...
I've led a life of such structured discipline and always had a goal in mind of knowing what I was doing, from West Point to the Air Force combat, MIT, looking for new things to study and get involved in. And then I got into the space program, and how...
I moved to New York when I was 17 and I had no idea what I was doing. I really thought I was going to take that city by storm and it taught me a lot; it was like the school of life. For me, it was like a series of really hilarious experiences in New ...
There is some level on which this life must occasionally become repugnant and unappetizing to you and you must step back from it. And then you have a new relationship with it, and then you step back into it from a different angle - with a new appetit...
My father's whole life was work. He had a retail store in Ossining, New York, and I mean, he was down there at 6:15 every morning. The store didn't open until 9, but he hadda be down there. That's all he knew.
When a movie opened - if you lived in New York, you would see it at Radio City Music Hall where it would play a couple of weeks, and then you moved on to the next movie. Now you can see it the rest of your life - it's going to be on Netflix and DVD.
Just for the simple fact that you are alive to witness a new day, makes your life amazingly great. With the body, mind, and soul alive and in positive state, all things will surely remain possible, and opportunities will continue to be endless.
Just for the fact that you are still alive and in your right senses, your life isn't as bad as you might think it is. So, always be grateful for every new day that you are alive to witness.
There's always pressure, from other people and yourself. If you're happy with the looks you're born with, then what are you going to do your whole life? We keep thinking up new things and finding better ways of doing things because we're not happy wi...
George Bailey: Merry Christmas, Mr. Potter! Mr. Potter: And Happy New Year to you, in jail! Why don't you go on home? They're waiting for you!
Every day is a new day. No matter what has happened before, whenever you awake, you have the opportunity to start anew. It is one of the wonderful things about life.
Christianity revitalized life in Greco-Roman cities by providing new norms and new kinds of social relationships able to cope with many urgent urban problems. To cities filled with the homeless and the impoverished, Christianity offered charity as we...
Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre.
Being single has definitely given me a new lease of life.
I've got a new relationship and I'm trapped in this old life.