Read my lips: no new taxes.
New York: A third-rate Babylon.
I'm a New York businessman.
There is nothing new under the sun.
New Yorkers are either the nicest or the rudest.
New York is in my DNA.
Bill: This is a night for Americans!
Assassin: For the blood of the Irish!
I'm very interested in science fiction, and I like new things. I've never been a really sentimental person.
There's so much music going on in New Orleans.
I'm always looking to create new avenues or new visions of music.
New York has always embraced me.
After all, we are all immigrants to the future; none of us is a native in that land. Margaret Mead famously wrote about the profound changes wrought by the Second World War, “All of us who grew up before the war are immigrants in time, immigrants f...
I know when people think of New York, they think of theater, restaurants, cultural landmarks and shopping,” I told him. “But beyond the iconic skyline and the news from Wall Street, New York is a collection of villages. In our neighborhoods, we a...
Neal: Sir?... Sir?... Sir? [runs to man] Neal: Excuse me. I know this is your cab, but I'm desperately late for a plane, and I was wondering if I could appeal to your good nature and ask you to let me have it. New York Lawyer: I don't have a good nat...
Many modern Christians think of the New Testament as a book outside of history, something that was just suddenly there. Historians of Christianity, able to trace its gradual authorship and formation, nonetheless typically find themselves describing t...
Nobody can understand the greatness of the thirteenth century, who does not realize that it was a great growth of new things produced by a living thing. In that sense it was really bolder and freer than what we call the renaissance, which was a resur...
Life is amazingly simplified,” she wrote in her journal, “now that the recalcitrant forsythia has at last decided to come and blurt out springtime in petalled fountains of yellow. In spite of reams of papers to be written, life has snitched a coc...
You may discover that the very aspects which make it most unendurable are what gives New York its meaning. Its inconsistencies and anonymity, its seeming indifference to you and every other individual is really what makes it a safe haven for individu...
In an expansive attempt to establish a foothold among California's intelligentsia and create America's first truly national newspaper, The New York Times launched a slimmed-down West Coast edition in October 1962... The result in LA was a sorry steps...
[first lines] Melanie: New patient? New Dental Patient: Yes, I was referred by my lawyer about veneers. [big grin] Melanie: You're a new patient, that's all I need to know. Fill this out so we know who to contact in case we loose you in the chair. Ne...