What a revolution in her ideas!
God is an idea, the devil is us.
Some of the best ideas that we've invested in have made no sense to conventional sources.
The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.
Usually, the best ideas come from having to fix a really hard problem.
I find that all my best ideas come to me in my sleep.
The ideas of the great playwrights are almost always larger than the experiences of even the best actors.
In the early '90s, there was such a limited idea of what you could see on TV.
Slowly, ideas lead to ideology, lead to policies that lead to actions.
A revolutionary idea is usually one with its sleeves rolled up.
A cow's heaven is a flower's idea of hell.
Vision is tomorrow's reality expressed as an idea today.
It was much more than bricks and stone - It was an idea.
Ideas do not need to be esoteric to be original or exciting.
The whole idea of escapism really resonates with a lot of kids.
Nanotechnology is an idea that most people simply didn't believe.
When an idea takes hold, nothing can stop it!
I'm driven by the idea of characters and the song-cycle form is similar to a musical.
The multiplicity of ideas is what I'm interested in.
I love classic beauty. It’s an idea of beauty with no standard.
Ideas are infinite, original, and lively divine thoughts.