To love an idea is to love it a little more than one should.
I couldn't stand the idea of bloodshed, casualties.
It is not of the essence of mathematics to be conversant with the ideas of number and quantity.
I'm not that keen on the idea of being unconscious.
I like ideas, but I don't like being preached to.
Successful companies obviously have people with ideas and energy.
Coincidence is important, the convergence of different ideas.
Ideas are the root of creation.
Explore your ideas may be they are worth millions!
An idea weighs nothing, except on the mind.
To find a script that works with provocative ideas is hard to find.
The Jug Band was exactly what I wanted to do, and it wasn't my idea.
Sometimes I have these abstract ideas and then lose track of myself.
I'm okay with the idea that slow and steady wins the race.
My idea of working out is going upstairs in my apartment.
I'm not sitting around thinking of ideas for TV shows.
The idea of the extreme makeover is disturbing.
Ideas are more powerful than people.
We are but one of many ideas against a greater imagination.
There is an element of truth in every idea that lasts long enough to be called corny.
Edith: It was your cousin's idea! Dave the Minion: *What*?