And do you accept the idea that there is no explanation?
The Tube is a vehicle for selling things, not for exploring ideas.
Today, our economy is about an economy of ideas.
Ideas are the source of all things
The idea of a Japanese comedian was not only a rarity, it was non-existent.
The hit and run of thoughts on ideas is a havoc.
Credibility is someone else's idea of what I should be doing.
If an idea isn't exciting, you shouldn't do it.
I wanted to be in a band that shared ideas and were in it together.
One idea lights a thousand candles.
Censorship of ideas or images or words is wrong.
India was formed on the idea 'Let's get the British out.'
I always tend to favor the newer idea.
A moral monopoly is the antithesis of a marketplace of ideas.
Life is about Learn, Idea, Faith, and Experience.
Rest, nature, books, music…such is my idea of happiness.
You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.
Ideas are the invisible Gods of our universe!
To describe and explain my ideas is to lose them.
I just loved the whole idea of being an actor.
If you don't execute your ideas, they die.