The idea is to die young as late as possible.
It's good to talk to people and get ideas.
I really believe in the idea of the future.
Everything begins with an idea.
Ideas are fatal to caste.
I like the idea of R-rated franchises.
Whatever may happen, it must be of new hope or of new courage to me!
i go deeper into my head
An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling falsehood.
You pays your money and you takes your choice.
As the time goes by, you change, your learn new things, your attitude is different. For the moment, I'm still enjoying ski racing so much that it would be difficult for me to think about ending my career.
No man was ever so completely skilled in the conduct of life, as not to receive new information from age and experience.
Energy, energy? Energy is, is, it's nothing more than a lot of new age hokum masquerading as religion.
One of the most persistent cultural tics of the early 21st century is Americans' reluctance to absorb, let alone prepare for, bad news.
And then we moved to New Jersey and I went to the Art Students League.
I went to the London Academy Of Music and Dramatic Art and returned to New York where I started my career.
Artists rarely do the same thing over and over again. Art is about the new, doing things in a new way.
The New York playgoer is a child of nature, and he has an honest and wholesome regard of whatever is atrocious in art.
Everything is possible for one who believes
But when perfections comes, the imperfect disappears 1st Corinthians
In an age of iPhones and Playstations, it's great to see that somebody's still rocking the bus-on-a-string.