Reshape one's foot to try to fit into a new shoe.
Hold on tight to the words of your ancestors.
Only the foolish visit the land of the cannibals.
The block of wood should not dictate to the carver.
When one chief falls, another rises.
The coat is quite new, only the holes are old.
To keep a new friend, never break with the old.
Better to be off with the old love before we be on with the new.
Never trust overmuch to a new friend or an old enemy.
Nothing is more prejudicial to war than talk.
Grammarians make no new thoughts, but thoughts make new grammar.
At the birth of a new world, there will be always pain.
Keep passing the open windows.
Una verdad sin interés puede ser eclipsada por una falsedad emocionante.
La educación moral, que no debe nunca ser racional en modo alguno.
So people will come along and do new things and sometimes return to the spirit of an earlier age.
I am alone here in New York, no longer a we.
Thou shalt not stand idly by
Our absence is what remains of us.
If I had time, I would become timeless.
She is young and beautiful. She has no problems with men.