I pretended like all the oranges rolling everywhere were her happy memories and they were looking for a new person to stick to so they didn't get wasted.
The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of the human race than the discovery of a star.
Even now, Dickon was upstairs, writing sonnets to his new love, while back at Seadown House, Marianne was writing 'Ella' on scraps of paper and then burning them.
A tornado of thought is unleashed after each new insight. This in turn results in an earthquake of assumptions. These are natural disasters that re-shape the spirit.
So death lay in arrest. But at Bethlehem the bless'd Nothing greater could be heard Than a dry wind in the thorn, the cry of the One new-born, And cattle in stall as they stirred.
But the thought of New Zealand instantly sent her mind to Watson, the possibly-Australian, possibly-Kiwi, definitely paranormal young fellow with videos of dead guys on his phone.
And whose rules will choose to you follow? God's? Or man's? You say you want to break the outmoded patterns and crate a new model? Then do it. That is part of your destiny, boy.
...never would I trade for some new shape that laurel I was first, in whose sweet shade all other pleasures vanish in my heart.
I certainly don't understand all these strange new feelings inside me--am I here because I love him, or because I owe him?
Caterpillar dun' become butterfly-caterpillar die so butterfly can be. A new thing. We all must let ourselves die to be what we will be. But we cling to what we know.
Everything on earth has happened before, nothing is new, but woe to the lovers who fail to discover a fresh blossom in every future kiss.
O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't!
What I did I can’t undo. But I can address it, and undress you.” This is the chorus in a new song I’m writing called “Mannequin Love.
My love for you is like food for a statue. My love is like anything from McDonald’s, because it will never decay and always looks brand new.
The test of learning psychology is whether your understanding of situations you encounter has changed, not whether you have learned a new fact.
Innovative solutions to new challenges seldom come from familiar places
I picked up a new language a few months ago. It was just laying on the ground, dirty, so I scooped it up and popped it in my mouth.
I belong here, I tell Toy. I'm hungry for every city block. Every brick building. Every crowded intersection. Electric. I feel brand new.
But for the first time, Boaz couldn't think of a single word to describe this kind of loneliness, so scary and real it required an entirely different language, new and strange and yet to be invented
Were they dating? Sort of. Exclusive? Not as far as she knew... Discovering new feelings was one thing. Actually changing your Facebook status? That was real. -- Savannah
You said this was only the beginning, I didn't realize that meant starting a new chapter without you as part of my story.