John and I have made this stuff our hobby, in the way that an especially attractive prisoner makes a hobby out of not getting raped. Jesus, that’s a terrible analogy. I apologize. What I’m saying is that it’s self-preservation. We didn’t choo...
The day I became a writer it wasn't the day a whore paid me in sex in exchange for one of my books which happened often and more and more as time went on it wasn't the first time someone actually paid for one of my books which happens less and less a...
The glass is completely full...of shit.
Mrder—all I need is u.
Being influential is not the mark of a great book.
My life is now an open book.
Religion obviously played a role in this book and the previous book, too.
Yeah, I'm an open book.
The dirtiest book of all is the expurgated book.
Jesus, Mary …” She said it out loud, the words distributed into a room that was full of cold air and books. Books everywhere! Each wall was armed with overcrowded yet immaculate shelving. It was barely possible to see the paintwork. There were al...
Shepherd Book: What are we up to, sweetheart? River: Fixing your Bible. Book: I, um... What? River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logistics - doesn't make sense. Shepherd Book: No, no. You-you-you can't... River: So we'll integrate non-progre...
Women's movement has an effect on potency.
I probably shouldn't live in New York.
New England is the home of all that is good and noble with all her sternness and uncompromising opinions.
I'm a New Yorker, you know.
Brand-new truths are probably not Truths.
I own 'The New York Observer.'
I love New York. Love it.
I'm more rooted in new plays and new writing.
I grew up in New York.
It's morning. The brown scoops of coffee, the wasp-like Coffee grinder, the neighbors still asleep. The gray light as you pour gleaming water-- It seems you've traveled years to get here. Finally you deserve a house. If not deserve It, have it; no on...