I didn't expect to become an artist. I was not comfortable going out on the road.
Context begins with other artists - seniors and mentors.
You never know what an artist is going to create next.
I have a quiet and an artistic side that many people don't know of.
In general, I don't feel artists should need producers.
One song will launch you, but you don't want to be a one-song artist.
I just want to give the people 100% of myself as an artist.
I'm just an artist and I'm doin' what I like to do.
The defining function of the artist is to cherish consciousness.
I firmly believe artists should be paid for what they create.
The greatest artist and web-designer ever is indeed a spider!
The present is only faced in any generation by the artist.
I never knew I was an artist until I did 'Last of the Mohicans'.
I liked the name Saadiq and didn't want to be known as an artist as Raphael Wiggins.
Artists are expected to fit into fraudulent categories.
I was a scam artist in high school for a while.
Obsession is more valuable to an artist than knowledge.
I've never been a die-hard fan, like a crazy fan for an artist.
The number of contemporary artists who appeal to me is infinitesimal.
Artists are those who can evade the verbose.
In 1995, I was thrust into the role of reluctant, flag-waving feminist and emotionally-focused artist/advocate.