Kanye West is my favorite artist.
An artist is his own fault.
The German ueber-photographer Andreas Gursky was the perfect pre-9/11 artist.
I'm not that kind of publicity, attention-grabber type of artist.
My artistic spirit is not nurtured by blogospheres.
I hate artists who are not of their time.
I have enjoyed all the artists I've worked with.
I am just an artist.
I'm an artist, I'm not an academic folklorist.
Artists and musicians of the Sixties were definitely into clothes.
What the artist owes the world is his work; not a model for living.
Death is always news.
New York is our home.
Every morning I wake up with new ideas.
I love New York. I was in New York at the age of 13, at the School of American Ballet, walking around the subways in my little bunhead and thinking I was so cool.
Music is to the soul what words are to the mind.
Yet does illustrating in a new way signify a new way of seeing?
Nothing makes you feel smaller than New York City...
There is nothing Tourettic about the New York City subways.
New insights from being present are a gift.
Nothing can prepare the uninitiated for New York City.