The best musicians or sound-artists are people who never considered themselves to be artists or musicians.
If you are born an artist, you have no choice but to fight to stay an artist.
I'm a multi-platinum recording artist; my passion is food.
I am not a Christian artist, I am an artist who is a Christian.
Preserve my artistic creativity and ennoble my artistic fame.
A true artist is always out of his time.
I think I'll continue to work as a solo artist.
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.
Art is the collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.
I like the word 'artist,' but I don't like the word 'artist' inside my house.
I'm a trained martial artist. My parents were both martial artists.
The immature artist imitates. Mature artists steal.
I wanted to be acknowledged as an artist, not just some kiddie-book artist.
It just makes you a better artist when you're with people who are great artists themselves. Being around Kanye, soaking up all the knowledge, all the stuff he got.
I like to imagine that the Neanderthals were all really good artists.
The market follows the artist. The artist does not follow the market.
I am not a black artist, I am an artist.
I would rather die than be a serious artist, or a fake artist.
True artistic expression lies in conveying emotion.
As long as artists can make something, artists will continue to survive.
Look, I don't see why bad artists - I mean artists who are obviously incompetent... - why they should be presented hypocritically as good artists just because they're supposed to be advancing the frontiers of freedom of expression or... ...demonstrat...