Grammarians make no new thoughts, but thoughts make new grammar.
At the birth of a new world, there will be always pain.
Keep passing the open windows.
Una verdad sin interés puede ser eclipsada por una falsedad emocionante.
La educación moral, que no debe nunca ser racional en modo alguno.
I am alone here in New York, no longer a we.
Thou shalt not stand idly by
Our absence is what remains of us.
If I had time, I would become timeless.
She is young and beautiful. She has no problems with men.
Dear God, save us from The Church!
If time is money, how much is a lifetime?
I have nothing to lose. I keep all my valuables in a safe.
I will build the best Potemkin village for you, my love!
The world you once knew is no more for you.
New York is perfect. Just the way it is. In all its imperfection.
I’m not in the torturing business, but I am in the monster-killing business.
This is New York, babe. Be ready to expect anything.
I think New Orleans is the best city in the United States.
I think if you come first with a new world record, that is the best.
Let's say honorary favorite New Yorker is John Lennon, and favorite real New Yorker is Biggie, because he's the best.