Being a non-swimmer, I've never been excited by the sea so avoid it on holidays.
I'm a comedy snob, and I never want anything that I do to get old.
i've never believed in anything or anybody that needed constant praise.
You never want to be the director who dropped the ball, you know?
A Palestinian state will never be created by terror.
When it's God first, you can never go wrong.
The dictatorship is like an aria that never becomes an opera.
But there are things in Il Sogno that the methods of The Delivery Man could never achieve.
I've never been scared of the dark, but I'm still terrified of what's in it.
My parents never pressured me except to advise me against acting.
I would never create an image for myself; I'm not that clever.
If I never saw another airport again, I'd be happy!
I never thought of myself as being handsome or good-looking or whatever.
I never take anything for granted. I may slip any minute.
I never leave the house without putting on my lipstick.
I never realized it was all a game, until I started winning.
I was never invited to the White House.
I'm never fully satisfied with any Microsoft product.
I almost never listen to the radio.
I walked out of class one day and I never went back.
I've never formally trained in acting, so I'm very instinctual and visceral with decisions.