I was good and bad, but never wicked.
The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.
For me, there was never an end game for becoming a director.
My plan was never to be an actor like my father.
In a dream you are never eighty.
tongue never lie, only man do.
For me, writing is immortality. It is wisdom. It is never-ending.
I never want to do the same things twice. I like surprises.
I would never send my kids to a single-sex school.
I've never been a boyfriend kind of girl.
You never know what will save you.
I never read. I just look at pictures.
I've never been enamoured by the idea of being a celebrity.
Certainly, I've never wanted to live on past achievements.
Never agree to say or do anything that isn't you.
I could never resist the call of the trail.
You've never lived till you've flown!
I never remember my parents having an argument.
I have never regarded politics as the arena of morals. It is the arena of interest.
You should never ask actors about politics.
I never saw anything funnier than Texas politics.