I really believe action will always be there and will never disappear.
I never considered the move to Washington to be a permanent move.
I never read reviews of something I want to see.
There was never any effort made out there to improve the artist.
I never wanted to be defined by what I did for a living.
I never went on an audition - when they were really looking at everybody.
I've never been that keen on Shakespeare.
I never wanted to come off as self-important.
Be courageous! Never fear to share your love.
Be loving because it will never hurt anyone.
In life we are always preparing to live but never living.
In life, defeats are inevitable, but never feel defeated.
You never can give without receiving it.
Never be less interesting than your refrigerator magnets.
Finger pointing never got anything done!
I'm proud to say I've never been anybody's lapdog.
I never dated much in high school or college.
You know, I've never shot a gun in a movie.
I've never liked the press part of it (no offense), but it comes with the job.
Things come to me pretty regularly. There is never a shortage or a backlog.
I'm quite disappointed that I'll never relive my teenage years.