You're never promised your next breath.
I never, ever in my heart want to hurt anyone.
I've never played anybody like a cop before.
A writer's mind can never be empty.
I have no friends and I never leave my house.
I've never, ever tasted beer.
I've never been afraid to fail.
In my dreams, I never have an age.
never use sarcasm in an email
Never break the heart, you live in.
Never argue; repeat your assertion.
I have never used steroids. Period.
No, no, I never mess around.
I never intended to become a writer.
Never interrupt me when I'm eating a banana.
You can never turn your back on the ocean.
What is deeply felt is never lost.
What is is plenty, but more is never enough.
Life and love are never what you think they are.
We never thought the show would last this long.
I'd never imagined I'd become the ambassador of housewives.