Faint hearts never win fair ladies.
Pass by your enemy hungry but never naked.
Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.
Never fall out with your bread and butter.
A fool looks for dung where the cow never grazed.
A big nose never spoiled a handsome face.
He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.
Never trust a woman who mentions her virtue.
You are never better served than by yourself.
A wild goose never laid a tame egg.
Never listen to these three advisers: wine, the night, and love.
Wolves never gossip about each other.
Never strike your wife, even with a flower.
Never stand in front of a judge or behind a donkey.
Never strike your wife, not even with a flower.
Never use a dwarf to measure the depth of the water.
Whoever eats a pancake never counts the holes in it.
You may never die before death arrives.
An Irishman is never at his best except when fighting.
Never do that by proxy which you can do yourself.