I pushed passed him. He grabbed my hand and swung me back towards him. Then he pushed me against the wall and... he kissed me. He ran his thumb along my jawline and down my throat, hips pinning me to the wall. He kissed me slowly and with intensity, ...
You raise one eyebrow and regard me with another intense stare. “Start by stripping please Jenna.” I hear what you say and yet on some level I can’t quite process it. “Strip?” I ask, as though I don’t understand your demand. “Yes, strip...
The Marquess shrugged. “I’m a shadow. I do know I am a shadow, Iago. I know most of the time. It’s only when I cannot bear how everyone looks at me down here that I make myself forget it. Shadows are the other side of yourself. I had longings t...
Two Songs For The World's End I Bombs ripen on the leafless tree under which the children play. And there my darling all alone dances in the spying day. I gave her nerves to feel her pain, I put her mortal beauty on. I taught her love that hate might...
Do you see, Harry? Do you see the flaw in my brilliant plan now? I had fallen into the trap I had foreseen, that I had told myself I could avoid, that I must avoid.” “I don’t —” “I cared about you too much,” said Dumbledore simply. “I...
I am too alone in the world, and yet not alone enough to make every moment holy. I am too tiny in this world, and not tiny enough just to lie before you like a thing, shrewd and secretive. I want my own will, and I want simply to be with my will, as ...
It's your world, but I make my way in it. At fifteen, no, I couldn't stand up to you. The age of illusions, when we know nothing, we hope for everything; we're wandering in a mist ... And the half of the world that's never had any use for us, suddenl...
In my living room there are two large bookcases, each one eight feet tall, and they have about five hundred books between them. If I step up to a shelf and look at the books one by one, I can remember something about each. As a historian once said, s...
It is Jesus that The Proverbs 31 Lady seeks when she dreams of happiness; He is waiting for her when nothing else she finds satisfies her; He is the beauty to which she is so attracted to; it is He who provoked her with that thirst for fullness that ...
The woman knows from living with the abusive man that there are no simple answers. Friends say: “He’s mean.” But she knows many ways in which he has been good to her. Friends say: “He treats you that way because he can get away with it. I wou...
All they told me was that he was forty-two when he died. I just wanted...to find out more about what kind of person he was. I could tell you more, amanda thought to herself. A lot more. She'd suspected the truth since Morgan Tanner had called, and sh...
Randal Graves: I know you've given a blowjob, right? Becky: I haven't even put my purse down, yet. Randal Graves: That's a yes. Randal Graves: [to Dante] And I know you've gone down on chicks. Becky: What's your point? Randal Graves: Well, when you'r...
Brick Pollitt: Why'd you let Mama buy all this stuff? Harvey 'Big Daddy' Pollitt: The human animal is a beast that must die. If he's got money, he buys and buys and buys everything he can, in the crazy hope one of those things will be life-everlastin...
Big Evil: That's when we fucking graduate. We fucking get the upgrade right now. Not fucking gonna be little fucking paisas no fucking more. Right? That's what we're gonna do. Demon: I'm with you. Big Evil: They want to come into our fucking hood and...
Ed Rooney: Ahem... Mr. Peterson? Cameron: [clears throat] Uhum! Ed Rooney: Uhhm... you know, I-I think I owe you an apology, sir. Cameron: [disguised voice] Well I should say you do! Ed Rooney: I, uh... I-I-I... Cameron: [still disguised] Well, I thi...
Scar: So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he? Young Simba: Everything. Scar: He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border? Young Simba: Well, no. He said I can't go there. Scar: And he's absolutely right! It's far t...
Pernell: [during a visit to the penitentiary] It's been a long time, Caine. How you doin', man? How come you never come see me? Caine: [looking down] Man, I don't want to see you all caged up like some animal. Pernell: Is that what you think? I'm a a...
Del: You know I had a feeling that when we parted ways. We would somehow wind up back together again. I've never seen a guy get picked up by his testicles before. Lucky thing for you that cop passed by when he did. Otherwise, you'd be lifting up your...
Inigo Montoya: My father was slaughtered by a six-fingered man. He was a great swordmaker, my father. When the six-fingered man appeared and requested a special sword, my father took the job. He slaved a year before it was done. [Shows the Man in Bla...
Eli Sunday: Oh, Daniel... Oh, Daniel... please... I-I-I'm in... I'm in desperate times. Plainview: I know. Eli Sunday: I need a friend. Plainview: Yes, of course you do. Eli Sunday: I've sinned! I need help! I'm a sinner! I've let the Devil grab hold...
Verbal: Where's your head, Agent Kujan? Where do you think the pressure's coming from? Keyser Soze - or whatever you want to call him - he knows where I am right now. He's got the front burner under your ass to let me go so he can scoop me up ten min...