The horse never refuses a homeward gallop.
A thousand curses never tore a shirt.
At home saints never perform miracles.
Merit and glory never adorn a nightcap.
O eggs, never fight with stones!.
The contented person can never be ruined.
Never let a boy do a man's work.
Never mistake chicken shit for an egg.
The pumpkin vine never bears watermelons.
Speech is often repented, silence never.
Never wear a brown hat in Friesland.
Never pet a bear unless it is a rug.
A cat with gloves never catches mice.
Who ceases to be a friend never was one.
A turkey never voted for an early Christmas.
Teeth will never quarrel with the tongue.
Never trust the advice of a man in difficulty.
Learning is a golden urn that can never be stolen.
One never tires working for oneself.
Water never loses its way.
Salt will never be worm-eaten.