To talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but that an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop.
In Hollywood the woods are full of people that learned to write but evidently can't read. If they could read their stuff, they'd stop writing.
You know, I'm worried about Szymborska. I wish she would stop smoking.
Whoever thinks of stopping the uprising before it achieves its goals, I will give him ten bullets in the chest.
We belong to talking, not what talking is about... Stop talking - and you are out. Silence equals exclusion.
You stop planetary exploration, those people who do that extraordinary work are going to have to go do something else.
My hand does the work and I don't have to think; in fact, were I to think, it would stop the flow. It's like a dam in the brain that bursts.
The human brain is a wonderful organ. It starts to work as soon as you are born and doesn't stop until you get up to deliver a speech.
Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
I have to admit to not being the greatest technician, but stop motion animation gives me licence to create machines that wouldn't otherwise be possible - inventions that seem real and actually work.
You don't stop thinking about women just because your wife dies. It's terrible, but you know. I just want the hugs, the kisses. A kiss!
The Cold War was waged in a particularly brutal and cynical way in Africa, and Africa seemed powerless to do anything to stop it.
It's really going to happen. I really won't ever go back to school. Not ever. I'll never be famous or leave anything worthwhile behind. I'll never go to college or have a job. I won't see my brother grow up. I won't travel, never earn money, never dr...
For myself, hand on heart, those things never bothered me. It is one of the graces of married life that for some magical reason we always look the same to each other. Even our friends never seem to grow old. What a boon that is, and never suspected b...
He who is in harmony with the Tao is like a newborn child. Its bones are soft, its muscles are weak, but its grip is powerful. It doesn't know about the union of male and female, yet its penis can stand erect, so intense is its vital power. It can sc...
Never give advice in a crowd.
Never find fault with the absent.
The best morsels are never given to a beggar.
The hollow of the ear is never full.
The house of the heart is never full.
A dry bone is never licked.