I never feel any aggravation from the public.
He Who Owns Himself Is Never Alone.
Never fear to pursue your dream.
I've never used chat-up lines; I don't have the gift of the gab.
I'm someone that never likes to overpower the girls in hair and makeup.
I've never been a Sunday-only kind of Christian.
A decision clouded with doubt is never a good decision
When your heart knows the truth, it never forgets.
Never justify yourself to people who don’t matter
I would never intentionally want to hurt someone's feelings.
Inside I never said I wanted to do theatre or be an actor.
I never have particular actors planned when I'm in the process of writing.
Never cheat on someone that is good to you ,Karma is a bitch.
I never trashed a hotel room or did drugs.
I was never really a writer, I was always more of a performer.
Thinking must never be a substitute for action.
Time and the wind never leave anything alone.
Never say yes to anything you can't say no to.
Never hesitate to tell the truth as you see it.
Never confuse a hunger for knowledge with a thirst for truth.
Never do anything for money you wouldn't do for free.