If you will take her, you may take her, but if you go from aboard, you shall never come aboard again.
There will never be an end To this droning of the surf.
I never lost a friend I wanted to keep.
I'll never be known for my work with boundaries.
I know I'll work, but not when or where. I never know what to pack.
A busybody's work is never done.
I've gone to war zones before and never got shot.
There is never only one, of anyone
Never judge someone by their relatives.
one should never assume anything
It is never about who is right or wrong, it is about what is best.
Be in limits, life will never limit you.
Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
Freedom is never very safe.
It was never just about the money.
Beauty has rights that plainness never will.
Never apologize for being you.
Never diagnosed the enemy before.
But I will never have a bride.
I never spent much time with people my own age.
I never think about age at all. I just think about what I eat.