We have never seen the earth show her teeth.
A tree never hits an automobile except in self-defense.
Whoever wants to hurt never misses his target.
The Yangtse never runs backwards; man recaptures not his youth.
You can never be happy at the expense of the happiness of others.
The beggar that begs near another beggar will never be rich.
He who is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.
If we knew where death resided, we would never stay there.
High climbers and deep swimmers never grow old.
Honey is never far away from the sting.
He whose heart is aroused by love will never die.
Never open a door that you can't lock again.
He that seeks to have many friends never has any.
Never point out the mistakes of another with a dirty finger.
Meat that the cat brings in never gets to your plate.
Virtue never goes far without the company of idleness.
The acolyte at the gate reads scriptures he has never learned.
He never was a friend who ceased to be so for a slight cause.
An elephant never tires of carrying his own trunk.
Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.
Since I wronged you, I have never liked you.