An old ape never made a pretty grimace.
The salary of a good servant is never too high.
A monkey never thinks her baby's ugly.
Never kill a man who says nothing.
The arrow that has left the bow never returns.
Never bolt your door with a boiled carrot.
There never was an old slipper but there was an old stocking to match it.
This is better than the thing we never had.
The rich never have to seek out their relatives.
Empty pots will never boil over.
Sleepy turtles never catch up with the sunrise.
An old cat will never learn to dance.
The monkey never complains that he has no comb.
An indispensable thing never has much value.
While a person gets they can never lose.
Fear and love never eat from the same plate.
Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry.
You never get a headache from winning.
A dog that barks much is never a good hunter.
Golden dishes will never turn black.
Never try to be more foolish than the jester.