It's not my job to try and alter the director's style - he's in charge, and I'll always give him my trust.
Will it please you to answer me this and to give me a rule for then I will willingly submit to any truth.
My work is about giving voice to the unheard, and reiterating the voice of the heard in such a way that you question, or re-examine, what is the truth.
In order to dream, you need to have a springboard which is the facts... It gives it that touch of reality, and I think that's quite important... truth with fiction.
Jim: I'd give my left nut to see that again.
Oddball: A Sherman can give you a very nice... edge.
Alicia: Why should I? Devlin: Patriotism. Alicia: That word gives me a pain.
Mela Ram: Apni chaukhat ka diya, giving light to neighbor's house
You want to give people a reason to hate my guts more? I'm making more money.
I give lectures for money, but all the money goes to charity. So, I make no money from it.
When you act, you really have to give all of yourself, and if you're doing that purely for money, it's not healthy.
Credit buying is much like being drunk. The buzz happens immediately and gives you a lift... The hangover comes the day after.
It's one thing to donate money. It's a whole other thing to give an opportunity for someone to make his own money.
If the (British) Arts Council give you money, they also tell you how to spend it.
I've always argued, unsuccessfully, that there's no point in giving money to the arts unless you educate people in them.
If you can't categorize a film for a studio, it's really difficult for them to wrap their heads around it and give you the money.
If you make time each month to give your money some attention, you'll start the next year in fabulous financial shape.
A development deal is where they're giving you recording time and money to record, but not promising that they'll put an album out.
URGE is a grassroots charity. We organized to get some incubators to give to the hospital for the kids. We donate money to orphanages.
Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed.
I feel too strongly about rearranging reality in a movie. It gives me peace.