Don't give up the fight, Stand up for your rights.
I had to give up martinis - I enjoyed them too much.
When life gives you lemons, chunk it right back.
Why give a million dollars to someone if they have not proved that they can make a million dollars?
Do not despair. Do not give up. Look for the sunlight through the clouds.
Giving birth to a baby does not make you an infant.
The greatest thing you can give a child is confidence.
Give Hamas 90 days to pick a lane, then react.
Conductors must give unmistakable and suggestive signals to the orchestra - not choreography to the audience.
Working out, for me, gives me energy in the day and just makes me happy.
The poor are the only consistent altruists; they sell all they have and give it to the rich.
Rejection gives you more power to push forward.
I think the Lord gives us everything we can handle, nothing more.
We get real results only in proportion to the real values we give.
Obama's claim is that he wants to give. The GOP is saying it wants to take.
When you become an American, they give you an injection so your accent changes.
Light is what gives joy to buildings.
Redemption isn't giving a bank robber a job as a teller.
We all have days where we can't pronounce things or give it the emotion it deserves.
I still give myself the right to be highly critical of others, though.
God gives us life, but the world's landlord is the devil....