Never let people see the bottom of your purse or of your mind.
He who is always right will never get round the world.
Never judge things of which you only know the shadow.
Pray that you will never have to bear all that you are able to endure.
Never let a hyena know how well you can bite.
A man's youth will never die, unless he kills himself.
No matter how fast the poplar grows, it will never reach heaven.
You can never consider that as your own which can be changed.
You will never drown where you always take a bath.
A person always breaking off from work never finishes anything.
Never let your feet run faster than your shoes.
You will never know a man till you do business with him.
Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die.
Never let a poor man advise you on investments.
Never put off today what you can put off tomorrow.
You have two ears, but you never hear words twice.
Never burn your fingers to snuff another man's candle.
Never pick up what you didn't put down.
The bird that escapes from its cage never wants to come back.
London gives birth to amazing talent but is rubbish at helping maintain it.
Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.