He who is frightened of a sparrow will never sow barley.
Never ask a favor of someone till they have had their dinner.
Never let any mechanical device know that you are in a hurry.
Never become a teacher where you yourself were a pupil.
Your hand is never rhe worse for doing irts own work.
The act of giving, abundant life.
Setting a movie in an earlier age gives it a mythical quality.
Genius always gives its best at first; prudence, at last.
I just want to give people the best album that I possibly can.
Thou shalt not give birth reluctantly.
Giving yourself permission to lose guarantees a loss.
I can give you a definite perhaps.
Music gives color to the air of the moment.
I don't give the devil credit for creating nothing.
Give the lady what she wants!
The best advice is what the skylark gives by singing.
The skies give no warning when they fall.
If life gives you the wobbles make jelly.
This is our lives. The way to give it dignity is to tell the truth.
We get what we give away with love.