Whoever eats a pancake never counts the holes in it.
You may never die before death arrives.
An Irishman is never at his best except when fighting.
Never do that by proxy which you can do yourself.
With so many roosters crowing, the sun never comes up.
Never watch a bonfire wearing a straw coat.
Power acquired by guilt was never used for a good purpose.
Envious persons never compliment, they only swallow.
Warm water never forgets that it was once cold.
One can get sick of cake, but never of bread.
To keep a new friend, never break with the old.
A wise lawyer never goes to law himself.
Never draw your dirk when a blow will do it.
Never marry for money. You can borrow it cheaper.
Never by-pass a town where a friend lives.
Never show the truth naked -- just in its shirt.
The pig's tail will never make a good arrow.
Never ask pardon before you are accused.
Never look for a worm in the apple of your eye.
Never tell your story to a deaf man.
True love never grows old.