South Africa is blessed to have women and men like yourselves who have little to give but give what you have with open hands and open hearts.
[Russell is on the phone with Penny] Russell Hammond: Give me your address. I'm coming to you, this time.
Otter: Mrs. Wormer, I'm so glad you could come. Marion Wormer: Cut the crap. Give me a drink.
I think my cat is adorable, and I probably give it too much fresh chicken. Maybe if I had a child, I'd be giving the chicken to the child.
I believe that what woman resents is not so much giving herself in pieces as giving herself purposelessly.
when you feel like giving up always look back and remember why you wanted to achieve a goal at first.
I'm sixteen with what I hope will be a long life ahead, but I'm willing to give it up, to give anything to let her live, to let her make it through the night.
Don’t give special place to any one in your heart. Its easy to give that place but it hurts more when they don’t know the value of that place
Americans have a special horror of giving up control, of letting things happen in their own way without interference.
Giving out of your surplus does not make you generous, it makes your selfishness more tolerable! Giving while you are lacking is what pleases the Lord.
There's no such thing as a perfect relationship. It's about finding someone who matches you and will go through everything without giving up.
Everybody wants to be a star right now, to be heard, to have a voice, so you have to give the confidence for people to have that ability - and give them the wardrobe to become a star.
Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. It may mean giving up familiar but limiting patterns, safe but unrewarding work, values no longer believed in, and relationships that have lost their meaning.
I had therefore, no hesitation in giving all the information I had, even though occasionally I tried to concentrate mainly on giving information about the results of my own work.
I wish the press were paying more attention to the erosion of the Constitution and the slippery slope that we're getting into, by giving up the right of the Congress to talk about when and how and where we go to war.
Never stop learning. Never stop growing.
I never quit trying. I never felt that I didn't have a chance to win.
Never expect & you will never be disappointed
Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.
There are two ways to ruin any chances of leading a happy life. The first is to chase a goal twenty-four hours a day, day after day, and gladly give up all the little laughs and joys that life has to offer in exchange for that ever-elusive moment of ...
In words which can still bring tears to the eyes, St. Augustine describes the desolation into which the death of his friend Nebridius plunged him (Confessions IV, 10). Then he draws a moral. This is what comes, he says, of giving one’s heart to any...