I never thought I would be singing for the world.
Baseball is an individual game, but it should never be a personal game.
Even at my peak, I never went too over the top.
The poet nothing affirmeth and therefore never lieth.
I never wrote my books especially for children.
Poems are never finished - just abandoned
I've never lost a grown-up child, but I have known loss.
It was an accident of circumstance that I never married.
I never wanted to be called an artist. I wanted to be called a photographer.
The epithets of imbeciles have never bothered me.
Being normal?1 I have never had this experience.
We are always getting ready to live but never living.
The never-ending task of self improvement.
The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.
I've never wanted to do something where I'd berate the audience.
I never wanted to be a movie star.
I never understood actors who could just wait around.
Never, ever, have I felt really accepted in Hollywood.
I never cared what kind of grade I got.
I never look back, I look forward.
I never come away from a film thinking I nailed it.