Great leaders catch and correct problems while they’re still small and able to be managed without a lot of hassle. If ignored too long, small problems will morph into much bigger issues that will require more time and effort and at a high cost, cau...
Compare yourself to no one else but yourself. It’s not about anybody else’s anything. It’s about YOU. Are you the best you? That’s all you need to worry about. Imagine how awesome it would be if everyone just worried about making themselves t...
Be wise. Banish the self-limiting words: “I don’t know how to …” “I can’t do that because …” “I never have any money …” Every negative phrase you utter in a day, is like poison to your soul. Your subconscious hears it and believ...
If you are uncomfortable meeting people on your own, the perfect way to do it is to volunteer to help greet those who arrive. This way, you have a purposeful task that is meeting people. Be sure to wear your name tag (on the right side of your body, ...
The only people who don’t need elevator pitches are elevator salesmen. I once tried to sell an elevator to a man who owned a one-story building. He didn’t buy from me, but he did sell me on the benefits of leaving his lobby without any bullet hol...
Everybody should have their own personal logo. Mine is a smiley face that’s winking, as if I’m passing on secret knowledge. But it’s not like I tell just anybody. My secrets are so sought after that the NSA is always whispering at me to try to ...
Can you imagine doing ministry the last five hundred years and getting away with ‘Sorry, I don’t do books’? Can you imagine doing ministry in the next five years and getting away with ‘Sorry, I don’t do Facebook’?
Wikis and social networking are just tools.
For me, I'm happy to succeed on any network.
We live in a network of inter connectivity.
The show had run its course on the Fox network.
My favorite charity is the Women's Refugee Commission and the Nomi network.
Networking is rubbish; have friends instead.
The OWN network is all about inspiring and enlightening.
I really enjoy computer networking.
A COnNeCtworker is a networker that Considers Others’ Needs Continually.
Inside every working anarchy, there's an Old Boy Network.
A few of the managers we spoke with for this book worried that the tour of duty framework might give employees "permission" to leave. But permission is not yours to give or to withhold, and believing you have that power is simply a self-deception tha...
Teen "addiction" to social media is a new extension of typical human engagement. Their use of social media as their primary site of sociality is most often a byproduct of cultural dynamics that have nothing to do with technology, including parental r...
People remember a smile more readily than a name. That’s why for branding purposes, I created my logo so that it features a smiling and winking face that spells out “Jarod.” But with my logo, people only see the face, and not the name behind th...
The traditional boundaries between various fields of science are rapidly disappearing and what is more important science does not know any national borders. The scientists of the world are forming an invisible network with a very free flow of scienti...