relations are the failures of life..
Chill The Fuck Out (CTFO)
Not all that have fallen are vanquished.
Struck by lightning! Struck by lightning!
Life is filled with music and rhythms
Think it. Write it. Sell it.
Simplicity is the key to happiness.
Temptation is not to be feared, but controlled.
I'm a big yachting fan.
Never mistake legibility for communication.
I'm not impossible,just a bit unlikely
Words are memes that can be pronounced.
I don't need time, I need a deadline.
Liberty has restraints but no frontiers.
No man is hurt but by himself.
Modesty is the color of virtue.
In oratory the will must predominate.
berjarak, untuk melonggarkan hati yang sesak
No one rules if no one obeys
I have no trouble sleeping.
The guilty are uncomfortable with silence.