When you die, you don't.
In short, you are the Whole.
Shema Israel Adonai Ehohenu Adonai Echad.
Be sincere; be brief; be seated.
When you're hot, you're hot; when you're not, you're not.
I don't write letters anymore.
This young century will be liberty's century.
It will take time to restore chaos
I've been on a tweeting mission.
I don't keep a journal.
We made love... and sushi.
Democracy derailed is democracy denied.
Whatever isn't visionary is diversionary
My style is ambiguous and lucid.
Don't get old; there is no future in it.
The need itself is not the call.
Everyting is as it should be. So am I.
I will not be triumphed over.
Nothing is yet in its true form.
A family is not decided by blood but by bonds.
I hate the word 'moist.'