We are constantly invited to be who we are.
This Party is a moral crusade or it is nothing.
The monarchy is a labor intensive industry.
We create our own enemies
Arriesgarse y cambiar es la única manera de crecer.
My motto - sans limites.
Serbs can only leave Kosovo.
always be positive, don't depend on others
Living in the arena of grace is grace itself
Thoughtless" minds are "pocket-less" beings
I like to think of myself as classy.
We practically own everything in the Philippines.
Kenangi yang lalu, hadapi yang baru dengan penuh kesyukuran.
Creativity is key to productivity and prosperity.
In life, you have a choice to be better or bitter.
Policies are ephemeral; principles are eternal.
Often wrong, never in doubt.
I built Kosovo for 10 years.
I'm too tasteful for my pants.
Every tomorrow is determined by every today.
In the wintertime I like macaroni and cheese.