Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts.
Each journey is an experience of the past.
My peers and colleagues inspire me.
Skating is now retro and hip.
...a murder of crows gormandized until they were satiated.
God Made Nature, Nature Need Friends.
You deserve what you tolerate.
Your attitude is a mirror of your believes.
There is no truth without a truth on which to base it.
Don't fight forces, use them.
Artist is not human, but humanity.
One mistake cannot justify another.
Runner up is champion of the losers.
Will is intention favored by emotions.
An egoist is always intelligent, never wise.
Humans are one, not divided, but multiplied into many.
Imagination is thinking beyond language.
Conquer yourself; the world is you!
What is inspiration in strangers is jealousy in kinsmen.
Be at peace with yourself, or you'll be at war with everyone.
Better exert power than justify it!