I didn't fancy any of my teachers.
I can't be the candy queen forever.
My mediocrity is no secret; My battles with it are
Be Courageous: Succeed or Fail Monumentally!
Cancer is just a horrible disease.
Curiosity is the engine of achievement.
For you, a thousand times over.
Just You Against Life >>
start something, with a knowledge to end it.
the veneer of civilization is exceedingly thin
90% of learning comes through encouragement.
I loved campaigning for Obama.
Appreciate the daily miracles of life.
Be yourself, be who you can be.
My beliefs are the center of my being.
The Bible is a fountain of wisdom and knowledge.
The Bible is instruction for life.
The day of birth is a miraculous day.
Your choices are your only freedom.
The toughest journey is a spiritual journey.
If you are not dancing, your dead.