I held back from seeing Jacob much during those weeks. He wanted only his mother, and I wasn’t sure I could handle seeing him like that. I stopped by to pick up his siblings and take them away, but I rarely went inside the house. After several days...
Apparence de paix Pas de carnage ici, pas de mise à mort. Les drames de l'histoire sont parfois comme une musique qui demeure au fond d'un champ où l'on marche parmi le bruissement du maïs, aimanté par des oiseaux fous à l'orée du bois et sous ...
... supraoamenilor nu trebuie să li se explice nimic, ei n-au nevoie de permisiunea noastră, smulg vieții ceea ce au chef să ia. Se revoltă, ucid, violează fiindcă se numesc Attila sau Don Juan. Cât despre ceilalți, oamenii medii, cei slabi,...
Lo sguardo delle donne assomiglia a certi congegni tranquilli in apparenza ma formidabili. Vi si passa vicino tutti i giorni pacificamente e impunemente, senza dubitare di nulla. Viene il momento in cui ci si dimentica anche che quella cosa è là. S...
Poi è andata com'è andata. É andata come sappiamo. Sono finite le autoriduzioni, le lotte armate, le rivoluzioni, le autonomie operaie. Ai concerti si paga il biglietto, e che biglietto. I musicisti sono diventati rockstar, o almeno ci hanno prova...
Say a white boy takes a wrong turn and comes to my hood," he once said. "Now he's in the minority––nobody wants him there, unless it's to rob his ass––and more than anything he has to think about how to protect himself, how to get out. There'...
Remember Stalingrad. Remember the crash of 1929. Remember the Industrial Revolution. Now remember that I am the proletariat cog in the machine that causes the meltdown of the aristocratic assembly line. Ben Franklin was a man of vision. Ben wore bifo...
För när man är med henne är det alltid söndag morgon. Och det enda jag är bättre än henne på är att jag klarar sömnbrist bättre än hon gör. Förstår du? Jag parkerar på fel parkeringsplats när jag är trött, men hon kör till fel jo...
Me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente, y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te toca. Parece que los ojos se te hubieran volado y parece que un beso te cerrara la boca. . Como todas las cosas están llenas de mi alma emerges de las cosas, l...
Mi ero svegliato stanco come mi ero addormentato, una luce tagliente che entrava dalla finestra creando dal nulla nuvole dorate di polvere. Non era la luce di tutti gli altri giorni, non era bianca o rosa, allegra o triste, rinfrescante, bagnata o ca...
Las tardes de verano se alargaron y sentí deseos de salir con ella al patio, para que el sol le diera en la cara, y ver aparecer, una vez más, sus pecas bronceadas. Quería llevarla de nuevo a mi piso, detrás de la calle Cloth Fair, el piso que me...
-Me has dicho que no dura, que desear ser feliz nunca dura. Así que lo que me haría sentir completa es formar parte de algo en vez de ser invisible, pero no quiero desear eso. No puede que sea tan patética para desear algo así –su voz se apaga....
- ...Porque, uma vez que você começou - perorava -, não há nenhuma razão para parar. O passo entre a realidade que é fotografada na medida em que nos parece bonita e a realidade que nos parece bonita na medida em que foi fotografada é curtíss...
Gloria în țara aceasta începe cu publicity. Cineva se bucură de publicity doar când aduce profit altcuiva. Cine se bucură în America de faima națională? Cei care fac bani sau cei prin intermediul cărora alții fac bani. O regulă fără exc...
Mike Zavala: What you doing? Mr. Tre: Doing what I do, you know what I'm saying? Same shit, different day. Ain't shit changed. What's up with ya'll? Mike Zavala: Just slow motion. Mr. Tre: And that little incident you and I had? You kept it G. You di...
Forrest Gump: You died on a Saturday morning. And I had you placed here under our tree. And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground. Momma always said dyin' was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't. Little Forrest, he's doing just ...
Otto: [puts a bag over Archie's head] Hello, Mr. Burglar! Going somewhere? Thought you could rob Mr. Leach, eh? Well, I'm going to teach you a lesson! [kicks him in the stomach] Otto: He just happens to be a very good friend of mine! Archie: Otto! Ot...
Frank: Kathy? K, is that you? Kathy: [on the phone with her brother Frank, She is very upset] Yeah. Frank: Mom said you sounded strange on the phone. What's going on? Kathy: I need help. I really need some help. Frank: What's wrong? Kathy: Do you thi...
Edie Stall: My husband does not know you. He wouldn't know you, somebody like you. Carl Fogaty: Oh, he knows Carl Fogarty all right. He knows me intimately. See? [points to his clouded left eye] Carl Fogaty: This isn't a completely dead eye, it still...
Jerobeam: God brought you here, didn't he? Jesus: All he brought here is my shame. Jerobeam: Shame is also a temptation. Jesus: God hunts me. He drives his nails into my heart. He wants to push me over. He wants me to speak. But he didn't touch my li...
Adult Pi Patel: I wept like a child. Not because I was overwhelmed at having survived, although I was. I was weeping because Richard Parker left me so unceremoniously. It broke my heart. You know my father was right: Richard Parker never saw me as hi...