Bor era bello da fare male. Il cuore della ragazza saltò un battito quando il suo profumo le raggiunse le narici e inondò la sua mente come una droga. Un accenno di barba disegnava il contorno appuntito del mento e le labbra si schiusero in un ghig...
Sessanta donne crocifisse!” Che uomo stupido, privo di tatto! La Cristianità rabbrividirà con orrore alla notizia. “Profanazione del simbolo sacro.” Questo è quanto griderà la Cristianità. Sì, la Cristianità si agiterà. Può sentirmi ac...
Son todas líneas”, pensó y comenzó a ver a cada una de esas personas como una raya trazada sobre un hipotético mapa. Un gigantesco enredo de calles que se cruzaban, se rozaba, se unían y luego proseguían adelante. Allí afuera, en los caminos...
It's your world, but I make my way in it. At fifteen, no, I couldn't stand up to you. The age of illusions, when we know nothing, we hope for everything; we're wandering in a mist ... And the half of the world that's never had any use for us, suddenl...
Page 142: "When a spouse says to the alcoholic, "you need to go to AA," that is obviously not true. The addict feels no need to do that at all, and isn't. But when she says, "I am moving out and will be open to getting back together when you are gett...
I heard him sweeping with the broom, and then he suddenly stopped. I had obviously got his attention, and he was looking. I thought. I liked the sound of that silence. Do you know what I mean? Have you heard that silence yourself? I love that silence...
Cerré los ojos como me dijo y lentamente me giró hacia él. Puso sus manos en mi cara y me acercó a la suya, por alguna razón no podía reaccionar y me estaba dejando llevar. Inconscientemente puse mis manos en su pecho y al sentirlo tan firme y ...
The three of you were pretty cute last night, with all that touchy-feely crap." "Yeah, that lasted for about two minutes before you dragged Evan back over to the bar." "Dude, we were hunting Turkey. [drinking bourbon] it was important." Chris grins. ...
The necklace was a good excuse," he murmured. "For what?" "I thought maybe I could go to Charleston and show up at your front door to give this back and maybe… you might let me in. Or something. I was worried that another male would court you, so I...
Each person in the group said something except for me. My silence became noticed. About halfway through the meeting I started to think, I've got to talk. Today, I've got to talk. Fear racked me so bad that sweat ran down my sides. I thought, After th...
Vilket korkat jävla idiotland det här var. Alla unga kvinnor drack vatten i sådana mängder att det sprutade ur öronen på dem, de trodde det var 'nyttigt' och 'fräscht', men det enda som hände var att antalet unga inkontinenta i landet sköt r...
When I fight off a disease bent on my cellular destruction, when I marvelously distribute energy and collect waste with astonishing alacrity even in my most seemingly fatigued moments, when I slip on ice and gyrate crazily but do not fall, when I unc...
It's too soon, too fast. We don't even know each other." "Says who?" Ethan demanded. "Who decides how long it should take? Who makes the rules?" Erica shrugged because she really didn't know it just seemed like common sense. He put his index finger u...
I don’t have any regrets,” a famous movie actor said in an interview I recently witnessed. “I’d live everything over exactly the same way.” “That’s really pathetic,” the talk show host said. “Are you seeking help?” “Yeah. My shr...
When there were no customers, he thought about geometry. He tried to perform the Pythagorean Theorem on the light fixture above him, given his estimate of its circumference, but he failed. He wanted to be good at math. But he just wasn’t. He wanted...
Wade sighed. “I’ll never understand why women wear bras to start with. They look uncomfortable as hell.” “They’re not that bad.” “Turn around so I can fasten the damn thing for you.” She refused to let go. Suddenly it seemed important...
I thought all I had to do to get you back was kill off your so-called mother and that little girl. No, I also pondered eating you alive. I imagined drinking all your blood and swallowing you whole many times. A thousand, a million times ov...
The day has been so full of fret and care, and our hearts have been so full of evil and of bitter thoughts, and the world has seemed so hard and wrong to us. Then Night, like some great loving mother, gently lays her hand upon our fevered head, and t...
He reasoned, even as a young man, that traditions may linger as he walked though the oracles of time. In later years he thought his mind may one day blur, should he survive to an old age, but as he spread ink on paper, transmitted and shared with tho...
I was merely observing; I have no agenda." He looked at his hand, still touching hers. "Where did you get that ring?" She contracted her hand into a fist as she pulled it away from him. The amethyst in her ring glowed in the firelight. "It was a gift...
In my living room there are two large bookcases, each one eight feet tall, and they have about five hundred books between them. If I step up to a shelf and look at the books one by one, I can remember something about each. As a historian once said, s...