My district has a lot of trade-dependent jobs.
Sebagai bangsa yang besar kita harus optimis menatap masa depan!
Semua pembangunan infastruktur datangkan kebaikan. Namun, harus dipilih prioritas sesuai kemampuan & urgency.
You are blowing my mind again
If the brain dies, the limbs are useless
Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker.
The other is not outside you but living within you.
When we could split the screen, it was like 'Wow!'.
If I don't believe it, I don't care.
Usenet is the last uncensored mass medium.
I'm being invaded by fashion pundits.
Capitalism is a stupid system, a backward system.
In the ashes of adversity, lies opportunity.
I know everyone in the Philippines is happy.
All presidents get frustrated with Congress.
Criminals don't care what the law is.
Our climate is always changing.
Well, I'm a former FBI agent.
I'm a pretty analytical guy, all right?
Even blind alleys lead somewhere.
Things imagined are as real as things seen.