Flowers are the Romeos and the Juliets of the nature!
I'm not an ordinary prisoner.
Achievement is not important, attempt is...!
Disappeare with the thunder....... Sasuke said
I don't feel hunky at all.
I was a reflective child.
I've always wanted a baby.
Sunday is a day of rest.
I like America to some extent.
Most Americans are very responsible.
A freedom-fighter is a slave to freedom.
Strikers are egotists, selfish. We have to be.
War is essential for peace.
Be a star not a diva!
Illegal is not a race, it is a crime.
Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities.
I do my bit for charity.
Life is to be felt not to be understood.
I'm an artist, not a philosopher.
Design a life! Don't maintain it.
BE the light you already are.