The broken can always be fixed
Life is not a true or false question.
if you begin, you win.
Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.
Life itself is the best (and the only) timekeeper.
I'm the third of five children.
I don't do negative things.
Without consciousness there is no existence!
I always want to rock.
Love is fantasy....Life is reality
This is the operative statement. The others are inoperative.
I don't like looking outrageous.
Lead by Example,not by showing samples
Racism is ugly. Racism is bad
It is tact that is golden, not silence.
Be virtuous and you will be vicious.
I adore Chicago. It is the pulse of America.
I'm a maverick. I've always been a maverick.
The death has an only color.
There is no truth, only science and fiction.
Jagalah teman lama kita agar tetap bahagia, maka kita akan dapatkan teman baru.