The Sacred Bombshell knows that her creative feminine energy is a catalyst. She remembers her womb wisdom.
Too often, we pour the energy needed for recognizing and exploring difference into pretending those differences are insurmountable barriers, or that they do not exist at all.
I wish there was some method to transform all the agony in my imprudent heart to an energy source. It would have lit up the world till eternity!!!
I find that often simple words say all that needs to be said in less time, using less energy, with all the details wanted- fully in tact. Love it.
They passed the point where they'd made their previous retreat, but this time felt no urgency or fear. For some reason the dubious energy field was gone.
Comparison is waste of energy. Every individual is unique with unique talents. Find your passion and live your best life.
Patience is the training in abiding with the restlessness of our energy and letting things evolve at their own speed.
I have been quiet today because fear in my heart has been fighting with frustration in my brain, leaving little energy for my mouth.
If you say renewable, I’ll think energy. If you say fore, I’ll think play. If you say binary, I’ll think anal defibrillator.
Numbers have power. But not enough to supply all the energy for all your daily electrical needs. There’s just not enough strength in numbers for all that.
In the energy field, you have the power to create synchronicity at any time. Feel the joy, surprise, and perfect fit of connecting with the very person who is part of igniting your desire.
I don't have time, energy, or interest in hating the haters; I'm too busy loving the lovers.
Religion is the subjective experience. Science is the objective reality. To argue either is a ridiculous waste of time and energy.
The war consciousness is purposely cultivated to guide the male away from the natural, healthy balances between masculine and feminine energies, and toward more unbalanced and detached psychologies.
Music? Music is life! It’s physical emotion - you can touch it! It’s neon ecto-energy sucked out of spirits and switched into sound waves for your ears to swallow.
We aren’t solid beings living on this planet; instead this planet is a collection of energies which penetrate each other.
Love is a blend of heart and mind, it creates a euphoric fusion of energy and intellect, to induce a transformation in life as the Rays of Love gradually befall.
The communities and countries best at using energy to optimize a microclimate for human life are also the ones whose people have the longest average lifespans. Canada, Sweden, and Iceland - places with inhospitable winter weather - are frontrunners i...
Aleta St. James is an internationally renowned energy healer, life coach, best selling author, and more. Aleta does private sessions to release old resistance and shift out of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, trauma, addictions, infertility, and...
Oh, I get pretty fired up on the court. I try to play with a lot of emotion, especially when I'm playing in front of a large crowd. I want to go out and do my best, and to do that, I have to play with the most energy possible.
It is best to be born in April or August when the life-giving Sun is in its exaltation sign Aries or Leo, its home, for then we enter the sea of life on the crest-wave and are backed in the battle of existence by an abundant fund of vim and energy.