This planet came with a set of instructions, but we seem to have misplaced them. Civilization needs a new operating system.
You don't extinguish fire by adding more fire, you need water.
According to [Galway] Kinnell, to make a poem you need the creatures of the world, language, and the unconsious brought together.
We must protect our limited resources for those who are truly in need and who are doing all they can to be self-sufficient.
The last thing we need is to turn in on ourselves rather than face us up to what we have to do in the world.
Essentially we need a new social consensus for economic reform as New Labour has achieved in Britain.
After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.
Developing skills is as important as training. A larger effort is needed to create a skilled workforce with employment potential.
After four years of getting the run-around, America needs a turnaround, and the man for the job is Governor Mitt Romney.
That's one of the tragedies of this life - that the men who are most in need of a beating up are always enormous.
A rock'n'roll band needs to be able to get under people's skin. You should be able to clear the room at the drop of a hat.
Unfortunately, too many public school officials believe that cameras are needed to enforce order and discipline.
What a nation needs more than anything else is not a Christian ruler in the palace but a Christian prophet within earshot.
And Moses said, "If you should disbelieve, you and whoever is on the earth entirely - indeed, Allah is Free of need and Praiseworthy.
I support affirmative action. I support special measures when you need it.
Decency must be an even more exhausting state to maintain than its opposite. Those who succeed seem to need a stupefying amount of sleep.
If you are in Mountain View, you don't resonate with the needs of urban dwellers. Tumblr couldn't have emerged in Sunnyvale.
Scotland needs comedy more than ever. With the independence debate, finally after 300 years, reaching room temperature.
My belief is that I wasn't born into Judaism by accident, and so I needed to find ways to honor that.
We need librarians who can handle this tremendous jumble of information that is in cyberspace.
You may need courage to say "NO", But you must be brave enough to say "YES" and not to do it