Don’t you have dragons to fight so that you started saving girls who don’t need it?
Nightmarish SacrificeTo solve a problem, you need to remove the cause, not the symptom.
Lieh-tzu: A Taoist Guide to Practical LivingSeriously, I ‘ve got to know if I need to protect you from people running with pencils." ~ Laney
LaneyYou don't need to be so fierce and bluffing.. if you already know that I can't be intimidated.
My Ancestor Was an Ancient AstronautA need for revenge can burn long and hot. Especially if every glance in a mirror reinforces it.
MockingjayVee never needed a reason to do something stupid. Sad thing was, most of the time I didn't either.
SilenceYou great bloody bully." "Which is exactly what you need, you vexatious headstrong wench.