Does anyone truly understand females? ...Their behavior is opposite of everything in the natural order and flies in the face of logic.
Women are always true, even in the midst of their greatest falsities, because they are always influenced by some natural feeling.
the matter is as it is in all other cases: if it is naturally in you to be a good orator, a notable orator you will be when you have acquired knowledge and practice ...
We must read, mediate and affirm the writings of Holy Scriptures, to partake in the divine nature and overcome the struggles of life.
It is natural for us to wish that God had designed for us a less glorious and less arduous destiny; but then we are wishing not for more love but for less.
We must therefore rediscover, after the natural world, the social world, not as an object or sum of objects, but as a permanent field or dimension of existence.
She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older: the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning.
don't even leap to actions and decisions before you've found that sense of natural calm, well-being, or enthusiasm.
There is uncertainty in hope, but even with its tenuous nature, it summons our strength and pulls us through fear and grief— and even death.
Science attempts to find logic and simplicity in nature. Mathematics attempts to establish order and simplicity in human thought.
My mother insured that a life of petty facts and dutiful farming was kept at bay by her passionate intensity, which nurtured the essential dreaminess of his nature
He wants to be grown-up. How different dreams can be! Nature will soon grant your wish.
Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.
When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong.
They dared not peer down into their own natures, down into the feverish confusion that filled their minds with a kind of dense, acrid mist.
Some people think nature is their God. I'd like to apologize to all those people for pissing on their religion.
There should be a language called Nail, so I could more naturally say, “My nail is a bit rusty.
For him, the kampung was a place to live and work that was based on a steadfast and intimate relationship between man and nature. The village was a true reflection of life in the tropics.
It is only natural, of course, that each man should think his own opinions best: the crow loves his fledgling, and the ape his cub.
There are certain natures of which the mutual influence is such, that the more they say, the more they have to say. For these out of association grows adhesion, and out of adhesion, amalgamation.
There can never be any real freedom on earth as long as people try to exert ownership over the natural resources of the world.