Nothing leads to good that is not natural.
For kids it's natural to be competitive.
The supernatural is the natural not yet understood.
We are all naturally xenophobic.
Disharmony is natural in any band.
The worst potential bio-terrorist is nature itself.
I think being open-minded about what Nature is trying to tell you is the key to being creative and successful.
My dream is to save women from nature.
Nature does not proceed by leaps and bounds.
Exclusive homosexuality is not very common in nature.
Nature is commonplace. Imitation is more interesting.
Virtue is an inner strength. It expands your nature.
Culture means control over nature.
Short form media is reductionist by nature.
Nature provides exceptions to every rule.
I am, by nature, an optimist.
I have, by nature, an analytical mind.
I would say I'm an optimist by nature.
It is the nature of truth to struggle to the light.
Nature's a tranquilizer as you get older.
Peace is a natural effect of trade.