A nation's treasure: scholars.
The unity in every second of all time and all wandering mankind, all wandering womankind, all wandering children.
Aligning yourself with spiritual ideals that are bigger than you brings true emotional stability.
Our wounds are not a measure of one individual’s sad fate, but an indication of our unity with others.
For when it is the good that is under consideration, and the ethical object is predominant, truth must be considered more in reference to art than science, if, that is, unity is to be preserved in the work generally.
Our unity will always be a greater force with mixed ideals than if we demand that others change for us, to what we believe.
A crucial factor when achieving great success in the real estate industry, or any industry for that matter, is teamwork. Unity is a place of power.
The unity of scientific and spiritual knowledge is realized when each of the particular sciences is organically related to the supreme knowledge of al-tawhid.
Solidaritas Islam hanya merupakan pengandaian sepintas lalu, yang berubah ubah dan tidak pasti sifatnya - Jaques Duchesne-Guillemin
Islam adalah agama yang hidup, terus berkembang dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan rohani dan intelektual jutaan umat manusia.
Pendekatan orang tentang agama yang dianutnya sudah semestinya berbeda dengan pendekatan orang yang berada di luar agama itu.
The new co-operation government will do the best it can to address the country's problems, and I believe that with the co-operation of all - and the new government stresses this - and the unity of all, we will achieve that.
Racial relations in this country are plummeting. Racial strife is rising. All the while, Obama is out there talking about unity and bringing us together.
It is the responsibility of all the Sudanese, especially the political leaders and the media, to strengthen social cohesion through the proper understanding of the dynamics of unity, if they really want our country to remain united.
What is a drop of rain, compared to the storm? What is a thought, compared to the mind? Our unity is full of wonder which your tiny individualism cannot even conceive.
The genius of the French language, descended from its single Latin stock, has triumphed most in the contrary direction - in simplicity, in unity, in clarity, and in restraint.
In extreme situations, the entire universe becomes our foe; at such critical times, unity of mind and technique is essential - do not let your heart waver!
Leadership is the influence of a person(s) on another person(s) which guides their efforts in a specific direction, with more purpose, clarity, and unity than they would have held on their own.
Neither man nor woman is perfect or complete without the other. Thus, no marriage or family, no ward or stake is likely to reach its full potential until husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, men and women work together in unity of purpose, respec...
I am the 'change Britain' candidate. We can only change Britain through a united Labour Party and I am the unity candidate. I have got support from the Left and the Right of the party.
The basic policy of the British Government was that since the majority of people in Northern Ireland wished to remain in the United Kingdom, that was that. We asked what would happen if the majority wanted something else, if the majority wanted to se...